Review - Paavo Järvi : The Complete Erato Recordings
Andrew Mellor revisits recordings the prolific Estonian conductor made originally for Virgin
Glazunov was a choreographer's dream. Listening to this generously compiled super-suite (24 numbers, playing for nearly 56 minutes), even if...
Reviewed by Michael Oliver in issue: 7/1986
The first significant plus-point on this warmly played new account of Dvorák’s Sixth Symphony is that Marin Alsop observes the...
Reviewed by Rob Cowan in issue: 12/2010
Discussing previous volumes in this series (12/94 and 2/98) I've mentioned Austbo's subtle palette of keyboard colour, and his sensitive...
Reviewed by Michael Oliver in issue: 2/2000
Since the overture 1812 comes first on this disc I take it that the record is intended to be a...
Reviewed in issue 6/1985
Here is another example of Evgeni Svetlanov in extrovert vein. Gone is the Klemperer-like preoccupation with textural clarity at inordinately...
Reviewed in issue 10/1997
This recording of Orlando Gibbons’s Hymnes and Songs of the Church will be a valuable documentary for anyone interested in...
Reviewed by mberry in issue: 13/2006
Franz Hauk, ever-resourceful organist of Ingolstadt Minster, has been dredging the libraries and publishers’ back-catalogues to unearth repertoire for organ...
Reviewed by Marc Rochester in issue: 12/2000
Haitink's 1971 recording of the Eighth had a coolish reception when it first appeared and one can appreciate that after...
Reviewed in issue 4/1988
''Through gramophone records'', Ravel once remarked when discussing the future of his music, ''composers can now say definitely how they...
Reviewed in issue 8/1988
Prokofiev's wider popularity has never extended to his string quartets, though the second has maintained a foothold in the catalogue....
Reviewed by Robert Layton in issue: 2/1990
Andrew Mellor revisits recordings the prolific Estonian conductor made originally for Virgin
Lindsay Kemp welcomes a box of Baroque delights from the American conductor
'This is a treasure trove of information, thoroughly recommended'
The tabletop ‘music centre’ may be just a distant memory, but where do you start when you want to...
Tim Parry explores the legacy of Jorge Bolet’s Decca recordings
Rob Cowan on collections devoted to two pianists, a cellist and a composer
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