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Review of Beethoven Piano Sonatas

Beethoven Piano Sonatas

This is Mari Kodama’s sixth disc in her projected recording of Beethoven’s 32 piano sonatas. Born in Japan but raised...

Reviewed by Bryce Morrison in issue: 3/2011

Review of Wagner Parsifal: Act 3

Wagner Parsifal: Act 3

Knappertsbusch’s 1951 and 1962 recordings of Parsifal (Teldec, 8/93 and Philips, 6/86), have always been the benchmarks by which to...

Reviewed by Alan Blyth in issue: 12/2000

Review of Alkan Piano Works for Four Hands

Alkan Piano Works for Four Hands

Powerful, forbidding, original and unsettling, Alkan remains difficult to categorize or to pigeon-hole. Even his wildest imaginings (rarely without a...

Reviewed by Bryce Morrison in issue: 12/1998

Review of Honegger Orchestral Works

Honegger Orchestral Works

A belated centenary release of some little-known and welcome Honegger. Some of these pieces are new to the UK catalogue...

Reviewed by Robert Layton in issue: 2/1994

Review of Bach Aus der Tiefe

Bach Aus der Tiefe

The febrile world of Bach’s two early cantatas, Aus der Tiefen and Christ lag in Todes Banden, has become a...

Reviewed by Jonathan Freeman-Attwood in issue: 8/2009

Review of Mozart Piano Concertos No. 24 & 25

Mozart Piano Concertos No. 24 & 25

If Mozart concertos on the fortepiano still conjure images of winsome Dresden china shepherdesses, this beautifully recorded disc should make...

Reviewed by Richard Wigmore in issue: 1/2012

Review of Wolf Italian Songbook

Wolf Italian Songbook

One of the wonders of the age was the full house which invariably assembled at London’s Festival Hall when the...

Reviewed by John Steane in issue: 2/2011

Review of Stravinsky Petrouchka, etc

Stravinsky Petrouchka, etc

Of the Russian Petrushkas that I have heard so far, this is surely the best played and best prepared. “The...

Reviewed in issue 2/1997

Review of The Busby Berkeley Album

The Busby Berkeley Album

In his introduction to the admirable booklet that accompanies this sizzling disc, Miles Kreuger writes that if ''by some miracle''...

Reviewed by Patrick O'Connor in issue: 12/1994

Review of Paul McMahon - (A) Painted Tale

Paul McMahon - (A) Painted Tale

The title of this disc, in conjunction with its contents, seem to promise pictures of cavorting rustics, lamenting lovers and...

Reviewed by William Yeoman in issue: 9/2005


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