Video of the Day: Herensemble plays Bright Star by Margaret Bonds
Hattie Butterworth
Friday, December 9, 2022
A festive string arrangement of a new carol discovery

Today's video of the day is a new festive discovery made by Eleonora Consta, founder of Herensemble. ‘Bright Star’ is originally a Christmas carol written for SATB and piano accompaniment by African-American composer Margaret Bonds.
Founded to make a positive impact on the gender gap in the music industry, part of Herensemble's work is to discovered lost or discarded music written by women. Speaking of the Christmas single, Eleonora said: 'We couldn’t find the music anywhere, only some very blurry photos of the original score, so I arranged the piece for strings and we added some harmonics which I think make it sound really Christmassy.'
The video was produced by Herensemble friend and colleague Nicholas Moroz and the players are: Ellie Consta, violin; Coco Inman, violin; Natalia Senior-Brown, viola; Meera Priyanka Raja, cello.