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Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral organ

  • Wednesday, February 21, 2024
  • | Choir and Organ
A respectful restoration of the inspired Walker organ at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral has released its intended potential for the first time. Tom Bell takes us on a tonal tour

Myra Hess: beyond the blitz

  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024
  • | International Piano
Bryce Morrison reassesses the legacy of Dame Myra Hess, renowned for her morale-boosting wartime concerts at the National Gallery in London, who struck some listeners more for her refinement than her temperament

Tiffany Poon: connecting with Schumann

  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024
  • | International Piano
A live wire buzzing with excitement and ideas, Tiffany Poon talks to Jeremy Nicholas about identifying with the twin sides of Schumann’s personality, and empathising with a creative temperament that threaded two opposing alter egos through his music