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Music for Holy Week: a specialist's guide

  • Monday, April 3, 2023
  • | Gramophone
Edward Breen draws on the vast musical repertoire associated with the week just before Easter, resulting in a fascinating and varied selection encompassing pieces by composers from Thomas Tallis to John Adams

Truro Cathedral Choir: the past and the future

  • Sunday, April 2, 2023
  • | Choir and Organ
Despite being less than 150 years old and ‘at the bottom end of a train line’, Truro Cathedral has developed a strong musical tradition that includes recordings, tours and outreach projects. Clare Stevens reports

NFM Choir: cultural exchange

  • Sunday, April 2, 2023
  • | Choir and Organ
Since its founding in 2006, the NFM Choir has built a strong reputation for performing classical choral repertoire, not least from its native Poland. Now a new French artistic director is looking to expand the choir’s remit even further

Harald Vogel: the scholarly pioneer

  • Sunday, April 2, 2023
  • | Choir and Organ
Renowned organist and musicologist Harald Vogel shares his continuing research into the historic organs and music of north Germany with Matthew Provost

Top 10 Romantic composers

  • Friday, March 31, 2023
  • | Gramophone
The Romantic period was one of the most innovative in music history, characterised by lyrical melodies, rich harmonies, and emotive expression. Here's our beginner's guide to the greatest composers of the Romantic period