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Truro Cathedral Choir: the past and the future

  • Sunday, April 2, 2023
  • | Choir and Organ
Despite being less than 150 years old and ‘at the bottom end of a train line’, Truro Cathedral has developed a strong musical tradition that includes recordings, tours and outreach projects. Clare Stevens reports

NFM Choir: cultural exchange

  • Sunday, April 2, 2023
  • | Choir and Organ
Since its founding in 2006, the NFM Choir has built a strong reputation for performing classical choral repertoire, not least from its native Poland. Now a new French artistic director is looking to expand the choir’s remit even further

Harald Vogel: the scholarly pioneer

  • Sunday, April 2, 2023
  • | Choir and Organ
Renowned organist and musicologist Harald Vogel shares his continuing research into the historic organs and music of north Germany with Matthew Provost