Music for the Bournonville Ballets

Two bumper ballet collections, lovingly produced and beautifully played

Record and Artist Details

Composer or Director: Hector Berlioz, Paul Burkhard, Johann Strauss II, Giacomo Meyerbeer, Gioachino Rossini, Modest Mussorgsky, Reinhold Glière, E(mil) N(ikolaus) von Reznicek, (Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Aaron Copland, Arthur (Seymour) Sullivan



Label: Classics for Pleasure

Media Format: CD or Download

Media Runtime: 160



Catalogue Number: 344123-2


Composition Artist Credit
Pineapple Poll Arthur (Seymour) Sullivan, Composer
Arthur (Seymour) Sullivan, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Sadlers Wells Orchestra
(La) Source, ou Naila, Movement: Divertissement: (Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
(Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden
(La) Source, ou Naila, Movement: Scène (Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
(Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden
(La) Source, ou Naila, Movement: Pas de Naïla: Scherzo-Polka (Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
(Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden
(La) Source, ou Naila, Movement: Scène et pas d'action (Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
(Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden
(La) Source, ou Naila, Movement: Mazurka (Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
(Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden
(La) Source, ou Naila, Movement: Marche dansée et final (Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
(Clément Philibert) Léo Delibes, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden
(El) salón México Aaron Copland, Composer
Aaron Copland, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Philharmonia Orchestra
Donna Diana E(mil) N(ikolaus) von Reznicek, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
E(mil) N(ikolaus) von Reznicek, Composer
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
(La) Damnation de Faust, Movement: ~ Hector Berlioz, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Hector Berlioz, Composer
Philharmonia Orchestra
(La) Damnation de Faust, Movement: Menuet des Follets, 'Will-o'-the-wisp' Hector Berlioz, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Hector Berlioz, Composer
Philharmonia Orchestra
(Les) Patineurs Giacomo Meyerbeer, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Giacomo Meyerbeer, Composer
Philharmonia Orchestra
Guillaume Tell, Movement: Pas de six (Passo a sei) Gioachino Rossini, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Gioachino Rossini, Composer
New Philharmonia Orchestra
Guillaume Tell, Movement: Pas de Soldats (Soldiers' March) Gioachino Rossini, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Gioachino Rossini, Composer
New Philharmonia Orchestra
Graduation Ball Johann Strauss II, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Johann Strauss II, Composer
Philharmonia Orchestra
(The) Fair at Sorochintsï, 'Sorochinskaya yarmar, Movement: Gopak Modest Mussorgsky, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Modest Mussorgsky, Composer
Philharmonia Orchestra
(The) Red Poppy, Movement: Russian Sailors' Dance Reinhold Glière, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Philharmonia Orchestra
Reinhold Glière, Composer
(Der) Schuss von der Kanzel, 'The Hunting Parson' Paul Burkhard, Composer
Charles Mackerras, Conductor
Paul Burkhard, Composer
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Composer or Director: Hans Christian Lumbye, Franz Joseph Glæser, Vilhelm Christian Holm, Hermann Lovenskjold, Niels (Wilhelm) Gade, C. C. Møller, Holger Simon Paulli, Eduard Helsted



Label: Danacord

Media Format: CD or Download

Media Runtime: 0



Catalogue Number: DACOCD631/9


Composition Artist Credit
(La) Sylphide Hermann Lovenskjold, Composer
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Hermann Lovenskjold, Composer
Peter Ernst Lassen, Conductor
Napoli Eduard Helsted, Composer
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Eduard Helsted, Composer
Peter Ernst Lassen, Conductor
(La) Ventana Hans Christian Lumbye, Composer
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Hans Christian Lumbye, Composer
Peter Ernst Lassen, Conductor
(Le) Conservatoire, or a Newspaper Courtship Holger Simon Paulli, Composer
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Holger Simon Paulli, Composer
Peter Ernst Lassen, Conductor
(A) Folk Tale Niels (Wilhelm) Gade, Composer
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Niels (Wilhelm) Gade, Composer
Peter Ernst Lassen, Conductor
(La) Fête des fleurs à Genzano Eduard Helsted, Composer
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Eduard Helsted, Composer
Peter Ernst Lassen, Conductor
Far from Denmark or '(A) Costume Ball aboard Ship' Franz Joseph Glæser, Composer
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Franz Joseph Glæser, Composer
Peter Ernst Lassen, Conductor
(The) King's Volunteers on Amager Vilhelm Christian Holm, Composer
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Peter Ernst Lassen, Conductor
Vilhelm Christian Holm, Composer
Siberia to Moscow C. C. Møller, Composer
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
C. C. Møller, Composer
Peter Ernst Lassen, Conductor
Two hundred years after his birth the choreographer August Bournonville ranks very firmly above the composers of his ballet scores. Mostly, of course, those composers lack other claims to fame, though symphonists Gade and Hartmann collaborated on A Folk Tale, which has been recorded previously by CPO and is likewise among the ballets included here. CPO has also recorded the ultimate Bournonville classic, La sylphide, though without the original Act 2 Pas de deux, which is included here as an appendix.

Beyond that we have previously had various recordings of the Pas de deux from Flower Festival at Genzano, as well as of Lumbye’s ‘Indian War Dance’ from Far from Denmark and the final galops he contributed to Napoli and The King’s Volunteers on Amager. Here we still get no more of Flower Festival in Genzano than that celebrated Pas de deux; but it’s good to be able to hear all three of the Lumbye pieces in the context of the complete ballet scores. Napoli, set variously in Naples and in Capri’s Blue Grotto, proves an appropriately sunny and especially attractive score, containing lively Italian dances and quoting to good effect not only the classic Neapolitan song ‘Te voglio bene assaje’ but also Don Basilio’s Slander aria from The Barber of Seville.

There are further full-length offerings (a CD each) of Le conservatoire and The Kermesse in Bruges. To these are added the one-act La ventana and various shorter items. The music is all exceedingly pretty but its merits are scarcely to be appreciated to the full separated from Bournonville’s choreography. Everything is beautifully played by a first-class orchestra under an experienced conductor, and all is superbly recorded.

EMI’s devotion in compiling a 80th birthday tribute to Sir Charles Mackerras is evidenced not only in the choice of previously issued material but also by the unearthing of a punchy El Salón México that remained unreleased only because its intended coupling (Quiet City) was never approved. Never for Mackerras, of course, was the repertoire the blindingly obvious. For him it was Delibes’s La source rather than Coppélia or Sylvia, while the 1946 overture Der Schuss von der Kanzel by Swiss composer Paul Burkhard represents a real rarity. Mackerras knew what was good, and these performances demonstrate the care he devoted to it all and the first-rate response he extracted from leading orchestras when only in his twenties and early thirties.

He has made more recent and more polished recordings of Pineapple Poll but the original June 1951 recording conveys a special frisson in letting us in, so to speak, on the birth of what has since become a classic. Elsewhere, this hugely enjoyable collection offers a cross-section of the remarkably varied repertoire the young Mackerras recorded for EMI – often taking over sessions from ailing conductors or fulfilling EMI’s contractual obligations to London orchestras. The care paid to all other aspects of production is exemplified by Michael Kennedy’s excellent note, the reproductions of original LP sleeves, photographs from Mackerras’s own collection, and the fact that both CDs last precisely 80 minutes – a charming point entirely worthy of a musician himself committed to just such inspired touches.

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