
Chryssicos with a new pasticcio for London’s Olympic year

Record and Artist Details

Composer or Director: Leonardo Leo, Domenico Cimarosa, Antonio Caldara, David Perez, Tommaso (Michele Francesco Saverio) Traetta, Giuseppe Sarti, Johann (Adolph) Hasse, Florian Leopold Gassmann, Josef Myslivecek, Nicolò Jommelli, (Vito) Niccolò (Marcello Antonio Giacomo) Piccinni, Giovanni Pergolesi, Baldassare Galuppi, Giovanni Paisiello, Luigi (Carlo Zanobi Salvadore Maria) Cherubini, Antonio Vivaldi



Label: Naïve

Media Format: CD or Download

Media Runtime: 123



Catalogue Number: V5295


Composition Artist Credit
(L')Olimpiade, Movement: Superbo di me stesso Johann (Adolph) Hasse, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Johann (Adolph) Hasse, Composer
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Quel destrier, che all'albergo è vicino Baldassare Galuppi, Composer
Baldassare Galuppi, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Oh care selve, oh cara felice libertà! Giuseppe Sarti, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Giuseppe Sarti, Composer
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
(L') olimpiade, Movement: Del destin non vi lagnate Josef Myslivecek, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Josef Myslivecek, Composer
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Tu di saper procura Giovanni Paisiello, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Giovanni Paisiello, Composer
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Più non si trovano David Perez, Composer
David Perez, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
(L') Olimpiade, Movement: Mentre dormi, Amor fomenti Antonio Vivaldi, Composer
Antonio Vivaldi, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Ne’ giorni tuoi felici Florian Leopold Gassmann, Composer
Florian Leopold Gassmann, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Grandi, è ver, son le tue pene Antonio Caldara, Composer
Antonio Caldara, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
(L')Olimpiade, Movement: Che non mi disse un dì! Tommaso (Michele Francesco Saverio) Traetta, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Tommaso (Michele Francesco Saverio) Traetta, Composer
Venice Baroque Orchestra
(L')Olimpiade, Movement: Siam navi all'onde algenti Johann (Adolph) Hasse, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Johann (Adolph) Hasse, Composer
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
(L')Olimpiade, Movement: Del forte Licida Tommaso (Michele Francesco Saverio) Traetta, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Tommaso (Michele Francesco Saverio) Traetta, Composer
Venice Baroque Orchestra
So ch'è fanciullo Amore Nicolò Jommelli, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Nicolò Jommelli, Composer
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Se cerca, se dice: 'L'amico dov'è?' Luigi (Carlo Zanobi Salvadore Maria) Cherubini, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Luigi (Carlo Zanobi Salvadore Maria) Cherubini, Composer
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Tu me da me dividi Leonardo Leo, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Leonardo Leo, Composer
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
(L') Olimpiade, Movement: No, la speranza più non mi alletta Giovanni Pergolesi, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Giovanni Pergolesi, Composer
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
(L') Olimpiade, Movement: Gemo in un punto, e fremo Baldassare Galuppi, Composer
Baldassare Galuppi, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Caro, son tua così (Vito) Niccolò (Marcello Antonio Giacomo) Piccinni, Composer
(Vito) Niccolò (Marcello Antonio Giacomo) Piccinni, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Lo seguitai felice Nicolò Jommelli, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Nicolò Jommelli, Composer
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Fiamma ignota nell'alma mi scende David Perez, Composer
David Perez, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
(L')Olimpiade, Movement: Son qual per mare ignoto Johann (Adolph) Hasse, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Johann (Adolph) Hasse, Composer
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
(L')Olimpiade, Movement: I tuoi strali terror de' mortali Johann (Adolph) Hasse, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Johann (Adolph) Hasse, Composer
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Non sò donde viene Domenico Cimarosa, Composer
Domenico Cimarosa, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
(L')Olimpiade, Movement: Viva il figlio delinquente Johann (Adolph) Hasse, Composer
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo soprano
Johann (Adolph) Hasse, Composer
Karina Gauvin, Soprano
Markellos Chryssicos, Conductor
Nicholas Phan, Tenor
Nicholas Spanos, Countertenor
Romina Basso, Mezzo soprano
Ruth Rosique, Soprano
Venice Baroque Orchestra
The operatic pasticcio – literally ‘hotch-potch’ or ‘pudding’ – was fair game for 18th-century satirists. Unfazed, impresarios and composers, Handel and Vivaldi among them, were all too happy to concoct ‘new’ operas from ready-made components – a kind of musical Ikea. Capitalising on the Olympics craze, the Venice Baroque Orchestra’s director Andrea Marcon et al have followed suit with this self-assembly opera based on Pietro Metastasio’s L’olimpiade, a libretto few Italian opera seria composers could resist.

The story uses the ancient Olympic Games as a background for love rivalry, improbable deceptions, narrowly averted patricide and incest, and the eventual triumph of youthful virtue (represented by the pairings of Licida and Argene, Megacle and Aristea) over the curses of the older generation embodied by Aristea’s father King Clistene. Into the mix go arias (plus one duet and a couple of brief choruses) by 16 composers of Olimpiade operas, ranging from Caldara and Vivaldi in the 1730s to Cimarosa and Cherubini in the 1780s. The time span involved rules out any stylistic coherence; and, with no interlinking recitative, the plot is impossible to follow from the music alone. Still, if you treat the discs as a succession of concert arias, there is plenty to enjoy here. In several numbers the frills and fripperies of mid-century galanterie hardly seem adequate to the character’s predicament. But there are impressive bravura arias by Hasse, Jommelli and the once-famous, now virtually forgotten Davide Perez. The Cretan Princess Argene has some of the finest music, including a tender idyll, with pastoral flutes, by Sarti, and an impassioned minor-key aria by Traetta. Most memorable of all is Vivaldi’s dreamy lullaby for Licida, ostensibly sung to his friend Megacle as he fantasises about Aristea.

Directed, appropriately, by the Greek harpsichordist Markellos Chryssicos, the Venice Baroque Orchestra play with their trademark zest and colour. The strings seethe and crackle in the obligatory ‘vengeance’ and ‘shipwreck’ arias. If the soloists can be word-shy, all sing with skill and stylistic understanding. Although Megacle’s arias sometimes lie a shade low for her, Romina Basso impresses with her fiery temperament and scintillating coloratura. Franziska Gottwald, likewise occasionally stretched in low-lying music, catches the drowsy sensuality of the Vivaldi lullaby. As King Clistene, Nicholas Phan fields a compact, mellifluous tenor; and Spanish soprano Ruth Rosique – a name new to me – sings with charm and spirit, not least in a pretty minuet song whose opening Piccinni cribbed from Gluck’s Orfeo. The palm, though, goes to Karina Gauvin’s Argene, dulcet-toned in her pastoral idyll, slyly witty in her cynical ‘that’s love for you’ aria (Perez), and finding a new depth and intensity for the Traetta aria. Recording and presentation are first-rate, with texts and translations and an eloquent essay in defence of the pasticcio by Reinhard Strohm.

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