Joseph Middleton on playing for singers

Friday, January 22, 2021

With albums out alongside Mary Bevan, Carolyn Sampson, James Newby, Samuel Hasselhorn and Ashley Riches, the British pianist is much in demand

The pianist Joseph Middleton has been busy in the studio and the past months have seen a number of albums released that find him alongside some great voices. It seemed a perfect opportunity for a chat, so James Jolly caught up with Joseph to talk about his role playing for singers, how he builds programmes, the changing landscape for song recitals and how the English have focused on the art of of the accompanist (a word they also discuss).

The podcast contains excerpts from recent recordings featuring Carolyn Sampson, James Newby, Samuel Hasselhorn and Ashley Riches which are also included in a special Apple Music playlist (see below).

You can listen to the Podcast below. To hear other Gramophone podcasts, or to subscribe for free to new editions, search for 'Gramophone Magazine' in your Podcast application of choice, or visit Gramophone's page on Apple Music podcasts.

Photo: Sussie Ahlburg



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