Video of the Day: Nick Mulroy sings Monteverdi's 'Si dolce è'l tormento'
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Expressive live Monteverdi from London's Baroque at the Edge festival

Following on from the recent captivating performance of Purcell's The Plaint, here's another treat from last month's Baroque at the Edge festival, recorded at LSO St Luke’s in London. True to the festival's eclectic intentions, tenor Nicholas Mulroy, theorbo-player Elizabeth Kenny and guitarist Toby Carr devised a programme that put 17th-century vocal gems alongside 20th-century Latin-American popular songs by the likes of Silvio Rodriguez and Victor Jara. From the first of those categories, here's what Mulroy described as 'the closest to writing a pop song that Monteverdi ever came'.
Every concert filmed at Baroque at the Edge 2021 is available to watch for £10, or £55 for all six, from Baroque at the Edge. They can then be listened to on demand until March 31, 2021. You can also watch Nicholas Mulroy demonstrate his passion for art in his Live Zoom talk on 'Music of Sight' on Saturday February 13 at 4pm, by following the link here: Nick Mulroy: Music of Sight.
Filmed and recorded by Alexander Barnes (Apple and Biscuit)