Video of the Day: Monteverdi from Helen Charlston and Toby Carr
Thursday, October 29, 2020
The mezzo and theorbo player perform a work from their forthcoming London Sound Gallery concert

Last weekend, the acclaimed vocal group - and Gramophone Editor's Choice recipients - The Gesualdo Six launched a new online festival specifically designed to celebrate some of the UK’s finest young musicians. Called 'London Sound Gallery', the first concert came from the Fieri Consort, while the second - to be broadcast this Sunday - will see mezzo-soprano Helen Charlston and theorbo player Toby Carr offer a programme called 'Abbandonata'.
Watch Helen Charlston and Toby Carr, along with members of The Gesualdo Six, perform a work from the programme, Monteverdi's Lamento della Ninfa, below.
As they poignantly put it: 'Throughout the last six months so much has been left behind. Countless pieces have remained prepared, but unperformed; stories ready to be told, but not yet heard. Inspired by the delay of their new commission ‘Battle Cry’, which seeks to re-balance the obsession with female abandonment and lament in the 17th century, Helen Charlston and Toby Carr join these abandoned heroines to bring to life some of the music they had most been looking forward to performing if 2020 had gone to plan.'
Subsequent concerts will come from Ensemble Augelletti, Matilda Lloyd, The Hermes Experiment and The Gesualdo Six themselves. Each concert is broadcast in 4K on Sundays at 5pm (UK time) until November 29, and ticket holders can watch all performances until January 1. For more information, see: London Sound Gallery