Exploring Bach's St John Passion: the new Gramophone Podcast
Martin Cullingford
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
The Academy of Ancient Music's Richard Egarr talks to Gramophone's Editor about recording the Holy Week work

In the latest Gramophone Podcast, conductor, harpsichordist and music director of the Academy of Ancient Music Richard Egarr talks to Gramophone Editor Martin Cullingford about recording Bach's St John Passion.
Using the original 1724 version, Egarr - along with his period-instrument ensemble and a line-up of some of today's leading singers, including, to name just four, James Gilchrist, Elizabeth Watts, Christopher Purves and Sarah Connolly, has created what Lindsay Kemp in April's edition of Gramophone described as 'a sympathetic, aching kind of tragedy – as if the emphasis is more on feeling the wider compassionate message of the Passion than on immediate reaction to the horror story of Christ’s trial and suffering.'
To download the podcast for free - or to hear other Gramophone Podcasts - simply click the link to visit Gramophone's page at iTunes.
And you can read the Gramophone review of the Academy of Ancient Music's recording of Bach's St John Passion here.