NMC Recordings launches new website
Friday, November 13, 2020
Label seeks to offer ‘a digital space to discover and explore new music’
NMC, the UK label devoted to championing contemporary music, has launched a new website.
As well as improving the experience for those exploring and buying recordings from the label’s 300-strong catalogue, the new site also enables NMC to better present the other significant areas of the organisation’s work. These include its education resources (including lesson and exercises for students, sheet music and an online remix app) and a new platform called Discover which offers playlists, videos and interviews about many of the 500 composers NMC has worked with, as well as those from the labels it distributes including Huddersfield Contemporary Records and Birmingham Record Company. Discover was developed in association with the ISM Trust, the Incorporated Society of Musicians’ (ISM) sister charity which supports music education.
Overall, the label hopes the new site will offer a way to connect ‘composers and artists with audiences at a time when the concert platform has fallen silent, creating a digital space to discover and explore new music’.
‘We went back to the drawing board, asking ourselves questions like: Why do people visit our website? What do they want to find? What makes NMC unique? What role do we play in the new music world?’ said Eleanor Wilson, NMC’s General Manager. ‘We were also keen to tell the NMC story, our role as a new music charity and find ways to share content that inspires audiences to explore more new music.’
You can visit NMC’s new site at nmcrec.co.uk