Dvora Lewis, a leading figure in classical music PR, has died
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Lewis represented the LSO for 37 years, and nurtured many of the next generation of publicists
Dvora Lewis, for decades a highly-respected and much-loved PR at the heart of London's classical music scene, died yesterday of a heart attack.
Chief among the roster of artists and organisations she represented was the London Symphony Orchestra - whose PR she looked after for 37 years until her retirement in 2015. Paying tribute, Kathryn McDowell, Managing Director of the LSO, said: 'She will be greatly missed, but we shall treasure the memory of a truly wonderful woman. Her professionalism and her expertise were far ahead of its time, and her humanity touched everyone who knew her.'
Dvora Lewis's role in representing her prestigious clients for so many years, which also included the Verbier Festival along with many leading artists, was matched by the nurturing of many leading publicists of the younger generation, so many of whom have expressed their heartfelt gratitude on social media since the news was announced.