Bach, Schütz and Zelenka: Gramophone Awards 2012, Baroque Vocal Category

Martin Cullingford
Thursday, August 30, 2012

The 2012 Gramophone Awards take place this year on September 27, when we'll reveal the winning recordings in each category from which the Recording of the Year will be chosen.

Between now and the ceremony, we're publishing two Podcasts a week in which we discuss the three shortlisted discs in one of the categories with one of our critics, along with musical excerpts. In today's new Podcast, Gramophone editor-in-chief James Jolly and Lindsay Kemp discuss the shortlisted Baroque Vocal recordings: Bach's Mass in B minor from Collegium Vocale, Ghent and Philippe Herreweghe (on the PHI label); a recording of music by Schütz from Vox Luminis and Lionel Meunier (Ricercar); and a recording of music by Zelenka from Collegium 1704 and Václav Luks (Accent).

You can stream the Podcast below, but to download our Podcasts - or to subscribe for free - visit our iTunes page. By doing so, you'll automatically receive the Awards Podcasts as soon as they are published, as well as our usual monthly Podcasts – the latest one features The Sixteen's founder-conductor Harry Christophers, pianist Khatia Buniatishvili, and an insight into life at Wells Cathedral School.

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