Video of the Day: Gwendolyn Masin and Francesca Ajossa perform Vitali's 'Chaconne'

Theo Elwell
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The duo recorded this performance from Amsterdam's Orgelpark

Today's Video of the Day is a recording of Vitali's Chaconne. 

The best known recording of the Vitali with Organ is by Jascha Heifitz in the 1950s, but performances with organ are scarce. Recorded in Amsterdam's Orgelpark, the duo encountered a number of technical difficulties including a delay between pressing the key of the organ and the sound produced, which meant inventing creative solutions for a live recording.

'We rehearsed “dry”, as there was no second instrument upon which to play. So I would perform on the Violin and Francesca would imagine how she would perform her part. Francesca and I have played concerts together in the past, and so we have a history of performance together. Without this, recording a piece with such particular specifications would have become something nearly impossible considering today’s demands of playing and ensemble.'

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