50 years of Croydon’s Fairfield Halls

Chloë Hanslip
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

November 2, 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the Fairfield Halls in Croydon, and to celebrate this event, the arts centre is presenting a concert that exactly replicates its original opening concert programme. Fairfield Halls are incredibly close to my heart as I first worked with the London Mozart Players there after winning the LMP Prize at the Croydon Music Festival (at the age of 5!)  As I have grown up, I have returned to perform many a time and it is such a special place to play – its atmosphere is amazing and the audience is always so warm. 
I will play Bruch’s Violin Concerto No 1 at the Fairfield anniversary concert (which was played in the opening concert by Yehudi Menuhin) and, although I’ve played it there before, I think it will be a truly special moment. The Bruch is obviously a concerto, which I have played many times over the years (I’ve lost count how many times to be honest!) but it’s important not to think that I have discovered all of its secrets yet, so I am studying the score very closely once again! It is a work that is played so regularly that it is easy to become immune to its charms, but it has some truly beautiful moments and the second movement in particular is absolutely gorgeous. I’m also revisiting Bruch’s Concerto No 3 at the moment and it is really interesting comparing the orchestral and violin writing of the two.
This concert also marks the 20th anniversary of the LMP and I working together. They are such a wonderful orchestra – fantastic musicians but also lovely people. When I’m on stage with them it feels like I am playing with friends, which is a fabulous feeling. Recently we’ve been playing the Four Seasons of both Vivaldi and Piazzolla in concert (which I have been directing) and it has been so much fun! 
This will be the last time I play the Bruch this year (in fact, I think for a while!) but the rest of the year will be taken up with playing Brahms and Mendelssohn with both the RPO and RLPO, not to mention the Huw Watkins Concertino with BBC NOW and Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time in Leeds – I can’t wait!

For more information on the 50th anniversary concert visit the Fairfield Halls website.


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