Video of the Day: Dvořák Symphony No 8 - Fourth Movement (Czech Philharmonic / Semyon Bychkov)
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Semyon Bychkov and the Czech Philharmonic perform the final movement from Dvořák's masterpiece, the Eighth Symphony

In today's video the Czech Philharmonic and Semyon Bychkov perform the fourth movement from Dvořák's Eighth Symphony.
Reviewing their new recording of Symphony No 8 in the October issue of Gramophone, Edward Seckerson writes: 'The Eighth is gorgeous in so many ways. The warmth and geniality of it is immediately established with the songful autumnal glow of cellos at the outset – but there is jubilance in the subsequent allegro and the inevitable moment of triumph when the trumpets ring out the opening theme at the climax. The slow moment again carries a wealth of affection for the music, its closing pages quite lovely. And unusually among Dvořák’s scherzos, this one is a waltz, turned and floated to perfection, with portamento subtly applied in the Trio. The reprise positively wafts in. As I say, gorgeous.' (Read the full review)
Bychkov discusses Dvořák's last three symphonies, Nos 7, 8 and 9, with Gramophone's Editor Martin Cullingford on the Gramophone Classical Music Podcast.
The new recording of Symphonies Nos 7, 8 and 9, along with three concert overtures, In Nature’s Realm, Carnival and Othello, is out now on Pentatone. Find out more: