Carolyn Sampson: 'Reason in Madness'
Thursday, March 28, 2019
The Gramophone Award-winning soprano talks about her new BIS recording

Carolyn Sampson's new recording from BIS, 'Reason in Madness', focuses on some of literature's heroines whose mental state has been unbalanced by sadness or tragedy. Characters like Ophelia, Bilitis and Gretchen run like a thread through the programme and draw some glorious, and unsettling, music from composers including Brahms, Schumann, Richard Strauss, Chausson, Saint-Saëns and Poulenc.
Carolyn Sampson talks to Gramophone's Editor-in-Chief, James Jolly, about how she and the pianist Joseph Middleton assembled the programme and how she paid tribute to Sir John Everett Millais' famous painting 'Ophelia' for the cover of the CD.
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Photo: Marco Borggreve