Barbara Hannigan on her new album of Nono, Haydn and Grisey
Saturday, March 28, 2020
The soprano and conductor has recorded a triptych combining ancient and modern, 'La Passione', with Ludwig Orchestra

Released today, 'La Passione' combines Luigi Nono's Djamila Boupacha for solo soprano, Haydn's Symphony No 49 (sometimes called La Passione) and Gérard Grisey's Quatre chants pour franchir le seuil. Ludwig Orchestra is conducted by Barbara Hannigan, who also sings in the two modern works. James Jolly spoke to Hannigan, down the line, to find out about how she put the album together.
'La Passione' is released by Alpha Classics and is available as a CD and to download or to stream (see Apple Music playlist below).
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Photo: Marco Borggreve
Listen to 'La Passione' on Apple Music